The Critical Elements of Web Design
Web design covers a variety of disciplines and skills in the creation and management of websites. The various disciplines of web design include user interface design; web graphic design; multimedia design; visual communication design; technical communication design; and search engine marketing. The use of website templates is one of the most common practices of web design. Many people choose to design their own websites from scratch. A person who is planning to create a website will need to hire professionals in web design, so that the final output is a professional and aesthetically pleasing site.
User experience (user interaction) is an important component of web design. It refers to the ease with which a user can interact with a system or application. User interaction design draws on a number of different disciplines such as psychology, cognitive science, information technology, art, computer science and other fields. There are many experts who specialise in user experience design. These experts are involved in the process from initial concept through to creation and end – user experience.
For a successful web design, there are several things that the web designer must consider. The first thing is that the designer must focus on the usability of the website. This means that a user research must be carried out so that the website meets the users needs and expectations.
Another important part of the web design is typography. Most websites today use typography extensively. Most web designers pay attention to typography, because it has a profound effect on the user experience. Good typography should be both readable and aesthetically appealing.
Web designers also need to incorporate emotional design into their web design. Emotional design includes things like colors, animations and user interactivity. The Nielsen Norman Group found that users get frustrated with websites when they do not easily understand what the website is about and do not find the interactivity satisfactory. When a user does not easily understand what the website is about, then most of them will go away or never look at it again.
A third critical element in a website design is the problem solving process. Problem solving is a crucial part of the task and web designers cannot afford to ignore this aspect of web design. The problem solving process must include a detailed description of the problem, possible solutions to the problem and how the problem was solved. If web designers can describe the problem in detail, then they can provide a clear solution.